Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Week 32 (Mar. 2)

So today we are 32 wks and 1 day. We had a doctor's appointment again (with a different doctor). She said the heartbeats are great and they are looking good. This doctor said my cervix was thin and there is a baby's head right there. She did "warn" us that once I start labor that it will happen very quickly. She also said that everything could stay like this anywhere from a day to 4 weeks.
Kind of shocking huh! It's definitely out there! For the past week, Joe has been working very hard at putting together all of the babies' things - dressers, changing tables, bassinet (pack 'n play), washing all the clothes & putting them away!!! It's really exciting looking over from our bed and seeing where the girls will be sleeping really soon.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG - One thing though, it's all out front.

Love, Mom