Our first family picture! (Joe says he never looked better!) After a long day waiting for the girls to arrive they finally came late in the night on Friday. My water broke around 6:45am, Joe & I both showered and then stopped at McDonald's on the way to the hospital (I knew they wouldn't give me anything to eat once I got there & I was starving). They took me straight to a room - no checking in - I was in the middle of a contraction when we walked in. I was dilated to about 2.5 when they gave me an epidural (required when your having twins) then everything slowed down. I didn't dilate past 5.5 for more than 5 or 6 hours so doctors decided to go in and get the girls. The girls were born at 11:36 and 11:38pm. 20 fingers - 20 toes!!!
What a happy looking family - proud papa too!!
Congrats Channel & Joe...they are beautiful. Can't wait to meet them and see more pictures!
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