Me and my girls, with our guard dog :) First doctor's appointment - 2 weeks old! I don't know how but they both like to sleep with one arm out! Adina is in the pink and Sari in the strips. They don't enjoy too much tummy time, at least not yet!
Our first family picture! (Joe says he never looked better!) After a long day waiting for the girls to arrive they finally came late in the night on Friday. My water broke around 6:45am, Joe & I both showered and then stopped at McDonald's on the way to the hospital (I knew they wouldn't give me anything to eat once I got there & I was starving). They took me straight to a room - no checking in - I was in the middle of a contraction when we walked in. I was dilated to about 2.5 when they gave me an epidural (required when your having twins) then everything slowed down. I didn't dilate past 5.5 for more than 5 or 6 hours so doctors decided to go in and get the girls. The girls were born at 11:36 and 11:38pm. 20 fingers - 20 toes!!!
Here is the last picture of my enormous belly - this was taken on March 31st. I was a little uncomfortable and my legs and feet were just as huge. We had a doctor's appointment on the afternoon of the 31st. I had gained just about 50lbs and my waist is about 45 inches around. The doctor measured each girl at about 6 1/2lbs each. Both heads are down and ready to go. We are just waiting for the day they want to come out :)