Sunday, December 7, 2008

What we know!

At our last doctor's appointment, November 26th, we found out that everything looks good! We wanted to know the sexes but we didn't get any definite answers. Baby A (the lower one) wasn't very cooperative and I think the doctor guessed because he didn't show us anything and he was never really in the area to tell. Baby B was a little better, even with her legs crossed, yep I said "her", the doctor showed us 3 white dots on the screen and said those were girl parts. So he said, "Don't take this to Vegas or anything but I am 95% sure you are having 2 girls". We are very excited at the possibility of 2 girls but Joe and I have still decided - at least for now - to stay with fairly netural colors. (Joe likes earthtones anyway.)

We also found out the sizes of the babies and they are both bigger than their age range. One is measuring 4 days larger and the other a week larger! I will see the doctor again in a few weeks.

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